Regular massage not only relaxes the muscles and calms the mind, but it also offers a variety of benefits for people suffering from physical and mental ailments. Specifically, massage therapy has been known to benefit those diagnosed with diabetes in a few key areas: It has been shown to alleviate diabetic-related pain and discomfort. It has also been shown to help with the emotional stress of coping with the disease.
According to the American Diabetes Association, an estimated 1 in 3 Diabetics over 50 will suffer from Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD). PAD occurs when the blood vessels in the legs are narrowed and blocked by fatty deposits, and the blood flow to the feet is decreased. This can result in many consequences ranging from foot ulcers to amputation. Therefore, people with diabetes must ensure that the blood flow to their legs is regulated.
A premium Floridian Brand massage chair provides targeted treatment to specific body areas, increasing blood circulation and soothing relaxation. Both help address pain associated with diabetes and target two of its root causes: poor circulation and stress. Having a Floridian Brand massage chair at home helps people living with diabetes as follows:
Foot massage in a Floridian massage chair can be an incredible addition to the daily routine of people with diabetes. The pressure and movement of the gentle massage mechanism on a Floridian Brand massage chair can effectively improve the blood circulation. It de-constricts the blood vessels and widens their lumens to increase their blood flow. It enhances oxygen delivery to different cells of the body.
The legs and foot are the most affected regions by decreased blood flow in diabetics. That’s why foot ulcers and amputations are common in people with diabetes. Leg massage promotes the blood vessels in the legs and foot. Therefore, it can be beneficial in preventing foot complications with diabetes.
The main problem of diabetes is higher than normal blood glucose levels. Massage therapy can effectively reduce blood glucose levels, helping manage diabetes.
In a 2019 study, people with diabetes who received massage therapy for 12 consecutive weeks showed significantly lower concentrations of HbA1C than those who only received routine treatment for diabetes. Study results infer that implementing massage therapy in conjunction with regular diabetes treatment can aid in lowering blood glucose levels in the long run.
Regular massage can also increase insulin effectiveness in diabetics, as stress hormones decrease the efficacy of insulin in the body. Massage therapy can relieve stress and calm your mind.
High blood glucose levels can also thicken the connective tissue and muscles in the body. The muscles, tendons, and joints get stiffer over time and limit the range of motion in people with diabetes. Moreover, the reduced blood supply from narrowed arteries of the muscles reduces their oxygen and nutrient delivery. Without enough oxygen and nutrients, muscle cells get weaker.
Massage therapy can gently stretch the muscles and connective tissues, curbing their thickness. It also improves blood flow to the muscles, making them stronger and healthier. Owing to both these factors, Floridian Brand massage chairs help enhance muscle mobility in people with diabetes to keep them moving on their own.
Diabetic neuropathy is nerve damage often associated with poorly treated chronic diabetes. Consistently high blood sugar levels in diabetics can damage the nerves. The occlusion of small blood vessels supplying those nerves also adds fuel to the fire. The damaged neurons can’t send signals to and receive signals from the brain. Symptoms of neuropathy may include limb weaknesses, numbness, pain, tingling sensation, decreased touch and temperature sensations, etc.
All Floridian Brand Brand massage chairs offer reflexology massage, a boon for the person with diabetes. Foot reflexology massage can help relax nerves, improve their functionality, and can aid in the recovery of damaged nerves. This helps restore sensation and also relieves pain.
Stress relaxation is a significant benefit that a massage chair can offer for people with diabetes. The mental and physical implications of dealing with a lifelong disease, combined with the stress of daily life, can worsen the condition. Stress worsens diabetes by further raising blood glucose levels.
In a recent 2020 study, researchers found that back and neck massage significantly promoted stress relaxation quality by activating the body’s PSNS (parasympathetic nervous system).
In conclusion, a Floridian Brand massage chair is not only helpful in relieving physical and mental stress in the comfort of your home, but it also is a helpful tool for diabetes management.