Inside every massage chair, you’ll find rollers on a long track in the back, combined with rollers and short tracks on the footrests. Very inexpensive chairs will have rollers but no track. As a result, these chairs create gaps in coverage, are ineffective, and sometimes painful. They should be avoided.
For this article, we’re going to focus on just the back rollers on the long track since that’s where most of the massage magic happens.
Most massage chairs offer a selection of massage techniques — like kneading, shiatsu, tapping, and knocking —carried out through the rollers. The extent to which the rollers travel down your back is determined by the type of track in the massage chair, while the technology determines the intensity and movement.
The S in S-track means sinusoidal, or “wave.” It signifies the shape of the human spine and the track the rollers move in to massage your body. The S-track consists of a slight curve that mimics the human spine. The rollers in the S-track can adapt more accurately to your body contour and give you enhanced comfort. The roller begins at the neck top in a forward position and continues till the mid-back. From here, it retracts a little and continues moving forward again. This movement allows a natural massage sensation for the user while following the curvature of the spine.
Most S-track massage chairs have a roller track length of 27 to 33 inches cutting off at the tailbone. With S-track chairs, you can lay out flatter for finer stretching moves. The S-track massage chairs are more precise with the roller motion, especially with the 3D or 4D massage technology. You can feel more relaxed as the S-track rollers massage up and down your spine curvature, targeting all pressure points on your back.
L-track massage chairs work similarly to S-track chairs but have an extended track covering the lower body parts. While an S-track would cover the tailbone, L-track chairs can provide further coverage to hamstring or buttock regions. The L-track rollers extend into the chair’s seat, roughly creating an L shape. More manufacturers are introducing L-track chairs because of their extended reach.
L-track massage chairs are beneficial for those suffering from gluteal pain or sciatica, as it uses mechanical rollers to relieve pain from these problem areas. L-track chairs have a roller track length of 40 to 53 inches. The extended roller track continuously moves from the top of the head downwards to the hamstrings, creating a full-body massage sensation for the user. Those suffering from piriformis syndrome or sciatica near the pelvic muscles can benefit from L-track massage chairs. The L-track chairs can also relax sore buttocks and hamstring muscles. Chairs with L-track rollers can stretch the muscles which connect the spine to the lower body or hips.
The S/L track is one of the newest features introduced in massage chairs. This type of track combines the existing S-track and L-track rollers. The S/L track massage chairs offer a superior quality massage experience for the user, as S/L track rollers contour the spine along its curvature like an S-track and extend to the chair seat to massage the hamstrings and buttocks.
Every Floridian Brand Massage Chair offers a premium S/L massage track with advanced multi-dimensional massage technology, extending massage coverage from the top of the shoulders to the bottom of the glutes.