When shopping for a massage chair, you may have come across terms such as “2D,” “3D,” and “4D” when describing a chair’s capabilities. These terms can be confusing when determining which chair is best, so we’ll help you with easy and short explanations in the following article.
What is a 2D Massage Chair?
First, a Dimension (D) refers to the directional capabilities of the rollers that provide the massage. For example, the rollers that provide comfort will move up and down, left and right, or along an X and Y axis to create the massage experience.
This basic movement is invigorating, rejuvenating, and provides many benefits, which include:
- Alleviating back pain
- Easing sore muscles
- Relieving stress
- Improving natural health and wellness
Do not be confused by the term “basic.” In the case of massage chairs, this term refers to the foundation under which most massage chairs are designed. The rollers are engineered to provide a relaxing experience and are typically offered at the most affordable price.
An example of a 2D massage chair is our Floridian Brand Champion Massage Chair FB357. The Floridian Brand Champion is our signature 2D model that features a rich massage experience and guides one to experience whole body wellness.
What is a 3D Massage Chair?
As you can imagine, a 3D massage chair expands on a 2D massage chair’s capabilities. This is done by adding the additional dimension of depth. In addition to the up-and-down and left-and-right roller movement, 3D rollers can move in and out, providing pressure and a deeper massage.
A 3D massage feels more akin to the touch of a physical masseuse. These chairs are more popular these days, as the additional dimension can add extra intensity to the massage. Additionally, the intensity is customizable (gentle to rigorous), depending on the massage and comfort needs of the individual user.
An example of a 3D Massage chair is our Floridian Brand Pure Blend 3D Massage Chair – FB6300. This model is a full-featured chair with a 360 degree, 4-node, 3D massage mechanism that travels from your neck to your glutes. With intelligent body detection and 18 massage techniques, the Floridian Brand Pure Blend 3D has all the critical features of a head-to-toe, whole-body massage.
What is a 4D Massage Chair?
While a 4D massage chair can rejuvenate, it does not facilitate any time travel – the fourth “D” no longer refers to dimension. Instead, 4D is an industry marketing term to signal buyers that newer chairs have more capabilities.
In most cases, this means that the manufacturer has added variable speed control to each of the rollers, providing an additional “dimension” or customizable parameter to pair you with your perfect massage.
A 4D massage chair will do everything that its predecessor massage chairs do in terms of roller motion but adds speed controls designed by professional holistic massage therapists to add additional variations that more closely match the styles of a hands-on massage.
For example, a 4D massage chair may be able to:
- Adjust the speed of the rollers to mimic the hand movements of a human masseuse
- Target more specific areas of the body
- Apply different massage techniques, such as shiatsu or deep tissue
(Although a 4D massage chair will feel unique to all types of users, it can be beneficial for people suffering from chronic pain caused by arthritis or previous injuries.)
Above traditional 3D massage chair movement, our Floridian Massage Expert 4D Massage Chair – FB239,  uses an Air Compression Mechanism that augments the team of rollers built into the chair. This model offers 42 different levels of speed and intensity to adjust to the unique needs of any given user on any given day. Customizable massage strokes speed up and slow down mid-stroke, just like the hands of a professional massage therapist.
Keep in mind that the different massage chair brands deliver the change in roller speed using various techniques that can be unique to them. So, you can argue that most 3D chairs can also be called 4D since most of them can vary their roller speed. Therefore 4D is more of a marketing term used to describe their latest models. We assume that at some point shortly, massage chair companies will even call their chairs 5D, 6D, 7D, and more to market their newest models to attract new customers. The higher numerical value makes consumers feel that they are getting a better chair. Still, it is essential to understand that all massage chair companies do not universally use the naming convention such as “4D” or higher.